Monday, February 14, 2022

December 2020 monthly report by Charles Brecheisen

 Greetings Altair Shipmates.  Here is your report for December 2020.

HAPPY NEW YEAR.  Let's all have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2021!

FINANCIAL:  The beginning cash-on-hand was $303.85 with anonymous income of $20.00 and no expenses leaving a balance of $323.85.  The beginning and ending Altair Savings  is $11,486.37.  Total of $11,810.22.

As usual, not much news.  Except the Virus seems to be mutating into a newer and more deadly virus.  Please all heed the warnings, wear a mask and keep a distance from others.  Meds are slowly getting around the country.

For comments and information, please contact me at "cmbaltairaks32 [at]"

Best Wishes To All...........Charles

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