Monday, February 14, 2022

April 2019 monthly report by Charles Brecheisen

Greetings Altair Shipmates.  Here is your monthly report for April 2019.

REUNION:  If you will be attending the Altair reunion in Branson, MO October 1-5, please let reunion chairman Bruce Davis know ASAP so he can make the best arrangements.  Bruce can be reached as "bandedavis [at]". Snail mail has been sent and received to the 134 shipmates without Internet service. 

ALTAIR SHIPMATES:  I did not have a previous shipmate correctly, here it is:
    Ronald L. Gadberry, FN, 1957-1958.  Shipmate Gadberry resides in New Berlin, WI.  WELCOME ABOARD!

FINANCIAL:  The beginning cash-on-hand balance was $286.92 with mailing expenses of $159.27 leaving a balance of $127.65.  The beginning and ending savings balance is $11,012.96 with a total balance of $11,140.61.  

All for now.  For questions or comments, please contact me at "cmbaltairaks32 [at]"

Best Wishes To All..............Charles 

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