Tuesday, November 21, 2023

September 2022 monthly report by Charles Brecheisen

Greetings Altair Shipmates.  Here is your report for September 2022.

HURRICANE IAN:  What an unbelievable storm!  I have received no reports from shipmates as to damage status.  To all I hope and pray for the best.

REUNION PHOTOS:  Reunion photos have been uploaded to the Altair Photo web site; Thanks!  To date, I have received no other reports on the reunion;  access to the site:


FINANCE:  My cash-on-hand is $66.39, no changes; savings balance, $2,886.37, no changes; the Reunion Committee Balance increased by $300.71 increasing to a total of $971.02.  Total $3,923.78. 

All for now.  Any questions or comments to "cmbaltairaks32 [at] fastmail.us"

Best Regards To All............Charles 

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