Greetings Altair Shipmates. Here is your monthly report for October 2023.
SHIPMATE PASSING: Shipmate Thomas, John B., FN 1960-1962 passed 29 October 2023.
REUNION: The reunion from 6th thru the 10th this month in Myrtle Beach, SC. Have fun and enjoy the companionship!
FINANCIAL: Beginning and ending cash balance is $45.51, no changes; beginning and ending savings is $2,386.37, no changes; beginning and ending Reunion Committee balance is $971.02, no changes. Totals of $3,402.90
ALTAIR INFORMATION AND REPORTING: Since my month old lightning strike disaster and my precarious ever decreasing health situation, it is imperative that a backup information source be established and fairly quickly. I should have done this some time ago! I show a total of 296 active shipmates with 239 using email and 57 shipmates only using snail mail for the information. I keep a multitude database records all on Excel: an active address list, a shipmate list for each Altair active year in service and a master master list showing over 700 shipmates listed. These lists are available to any Altair shipmate wishing to see the others that were aboard when he was. Plus, maintaining communications regarding the upcoming Altair reunions is critical and also other important updates. Shipmate Ivan Samuels has suggested using Mailchimp as an email source since the cost would be zero for less than 500 emails. As an address data base for labels, I use "StatTrack Address Manager All Pro 5.1.7" and it's a pretty good system. It's really been fun and I have enjoyed doing all this!! But, if I crash............... So, we need a volunteer to develop a back up system. You can contact me on this email address or my home email address "cmbaltairaks32 [at]"
All for now. For questions and info, please contact me at "cmbaltairaks32 [at]"
Best Regards To All............Charles
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