Greetings Altair Shipmates. Here is your report for May 2022.
D-DAY Remembrance: Yesterday, we had a D-Day remembrance at our Military park in Hawkins, TX. Lots of attendees and stories being swapped! Our Memorial has a Viet Nam era helicopter permanently displayed over a small lake. Still has all the wiring for all the gun mounts. And, a list of names of all the folks that have served in the Military from the American Revolution to present day who have lived in Wood County, Texas at one point in their life. It's really impressive!
REUNION: All the shipmates, 250 via email and 80 snail mails have been delivered. If you are planning to attend the reunion, please respond back to the reunion chairman, Bruce Davis ASAP. Bruce can be reached at "" or at 321-278-8068.
FINANCIAL: Started my cash-on-hand of $194.77 and had expenses of $114.43 which includes stamps, printing, labels, etc. leaving a balance of $80.34. (Please do not send me any additional expense money). The beginning and ending savings balance is $2,886.37. The beginning and ending Reunion Comm. Balance is $670.31. Total monies $3,637.02.
All for now. Please get your reunion info to Bruce pronto. For any questions or comments please contact me at "cmbaltairaks32 [at]"
Best Wishes To All.........Charles
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