Friday, January 06, 2017

December 2016 by Charles M. Brecheisen

Greetings Altair Shipmates.  Here is your monthly report for December 2016.

Happy New Year to All!  I hope all the shipmates and families had a great Christmas season and have a healthy 2017.  I and my computer have been a bit ill the past several weeks, but doing fine now.

FINANCIAL:  No income and no expenses in December.  The cash-on-hand is $962.75 and the savings is $8,545.32 for a total of $9,508.07.

DUES:  It's that time of the year again.  Dues are only $10 payable in cash.  Checks MUST be made out to me or the bank will not cash them anymore.
Pay to: Charles M. Brecheisen
           248 Drifting Cloud
           Holly Lake Ranch, TX  75765-6321

The Altair web site is:
The Altair photograph site is  (this is a great site!!!
The Altair Blog/chat site is

Please do not reply to this email.  For info or comments us cmbaltairaks32 [at]

Best Regards To All..........Charles

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