Monday, December 12, 2005

New email address for Charles and SPAM beating idea from Chief Smitty

Greetings Altair Shipmates. Well, even living in the bookdocks, I now have access to a fast wireless Internet system; and have been connected; and, it works great. I will be dropping the dial-up Netzero service in about a week.

Please start using

I have been using Fastmail for about a week and it seems to be a great email service.

Chief Smith (Smitty) has a great idea for beating the SPAMers address gathering software. He mentions another Navy site ( that adds "OXOX" at the end of the email prefix. (i.e. This would prevent the SPAM software from getting your correct email address. Of course, everyone would know to eliminate the "OXOX" when sending an email to another shipmate. Any comments? Or, just leave it alone? This would only be done on the Altair web site. I still get 5-10 SPAMs daily at this email address; but, not one so far on the Fastmail address.

We are preparing for "Rita" here in E.TX and have stocked up with water and canned goods. We need the rain, but............

Best Regards To All......Charles

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